Hi guys
Just wanted to drop a line about your concert Friday night……LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was invited to the SheDaisy concert with a lady I work with that is the aunt
of the country singing group SheDaisy
so we always go to their concerts when they are in town,
Can I just say how much I enjoyed your band!!!!!!!!! You guys rock man.
The songs you played brought back so many memories of high school….
the 70’s had some great songs and your band did a great job with them and
you were really entertaining too lots of energy ….loved it!!!
I was telling Rondi, the lady I work with we should get your group to come and perform
for Murray Fun Days , that is if it’s within the city’s budget which I don’t know what it is,
Is there any way you could forward some info to me so we could see if it would
be something the city could afford for Fun Days.
Rondi works in the Mayor’s office and I work for the Police Dept.
Keep up the great work it was great fun and I enjoyed your group a lot!!!!!
I hope that we can have you at our fun days celebration sometime in the future.
Thanks again for a great show, makes me wish I could be on the stage again
I sang at a local restaurant for 11 years and I miss it
But there is nothing quite like being on the stage in front of a bunch of people
Rock on
Marlene Tillman
I wanted to personally thank you for being our “Arrow House Band”
at the 59th Annual MDA Ride for a Cure last weekend.
You guys ROCKED THE HOUSE! You were fantastic!
Please pass this on to the rest of the band for me.
Again, thank you for representing Arrow at the MDA Ride,
we were proud to have you associated with us!!
Tami Ostmark
Director of Marketing and Promotions
KSL Broadcast Company Radio Group
I have had the Flashback Brothers open for 4 shows in the past two years.
At EVERY concert, I get more positive comments on the Flashback Brothers
than I do the headliners. They have an amazing song list and great talent.
I plan on having them back often.
-Chuck Keeler, Director-Springville Recreation
I've seen these guys several times. And they never disappoint.
They always put on a fun, professional show that is great for all ages.
At the shows I've been to, the crowd is always singing along and involved.
For a great family activity, check out the Flashback Brothers.
-Jason from Springville
The Flashback Brothers are versatile and appeal to everyone.
They look like their having fun, which carries over to the audience.
Their songs sound just like the originals.
-John Allen - Manager of the Orem Macey's
I just wanted to let you know I caught your show last night, between raindrops,
at the Arts Park. I am a percussionist who's played the same material for
many years with various rock bands and was impressed with your song choices,
tightness and stage presence. Great job!
-Rob from Springville
You Guys are awesome. I loved singing along with all the songs.
-Angie from Orem
I overheard a resident of Plesant Grove and someone who attends
Strawberry Days concerts every year say "This was the best concert
I've been to. It was the right kind of music.
It was fun to see lots of people dancing. It was even better than John Schmidt."
-Susan from Lindon
One Thing about the Flashback Brothers is you're dancing.
And if you're not dancing, you're singing.
-Howard Keele from St. George
They have played at the home on Pudding Night for the past three weeks.
We all turn up our hearing aides to 9.
- Harold J*O*H*N*S*O*N
Flashback Brothers Fans!
For those of you that have heard us play, we'd love to hear from you.
Send your comments to Sam or Steve and we will print them here.
Steve - skeeleart@hotmail.com
Sam - baykerboy@aol.com
Include your name and what city you are from.
Flashback Brothers, Always An Event
To Help Make Your Next Party or Event a Huge Success,
To Help Make Your Next Party or Event a Huge Success